City Council Regular Meeting August 21, 2018 PDF Print E-mail


Mayor Bruce Altznauer called to order the regular meeting of the Rutledge City Council on the above date. Council members Brenda Thompson, Tony Sells, Tim Smith and Brandy Owens were present as were members of the public.


Mayor Altznauer called for and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Tim Smith made motion to approve the July 17, 2018 minutes of the City of Rutledge Public Hearing as submitted. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


Ed Hogan addressed the Mayor and Council and submitted a schedule of events planned by Recreation. He said that Jennifer Buzbee was doing a great job handling the events. He said that there were three new events added. A first annual corn hole tournament was scheduled for October 20th, a community pick-nick in November and a kids parade in December. He advised that they would have the usual yard sale and the spooky fall fest. Ed said that there had been a request to name the downtown park “Central Park”. Council member Sells said why don’t you just have a contest. Ed said that a lot of younger people are getting involved. He informed the council that there was a balance of $1700.00 in the checking and thought that should be enough to cover everything.


City Clerk Debbie Kilgore advised the council that the general fund budget had an addition error in the revenues. The last line item did not add in the total because it was outside the formula. She said the revenue total was correct and is still $497,956.54 so the line item was deleted out. I don’t think we need an amendment since the total did not change but said she would make sure and we could amend it at the next meeting.


Mayor Altznauer said that he attended a Tree Board meeting on Friday and they gave a printout of what the interns found when they came out in April to do a survey. He said some trees need removal or pruning. Locklin and Seth identified the six that need something. He said it was a very informative report. The Forestry Department has their act together, very informative. We will do our part. Nothing is in imminent danger.

The Mayor thanked everyone for coming and advised that the meeting would now be going into executive session.


Brenda Thompson made motion to exit regular session for the purpose of entering executive session. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried. Tony Sells made motion to exit executive session and enter regular session. Brenda Thompson seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.

Two legal issues were discussed and one potential real estate transaction was discussed. No action or vote was taken.

Brenda Thompson made motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 pm. Tony Sells seconded, all voted in favor and motion carried.


________________________________ ______________________________

Bruce Altznauer Mayor Debbie Kilgore City Clerk



Calendar of Events

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